How to adjust a customers credit

Increasing Customer Credit

To increase a customers credit and record the associated payment just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Customer Menu.
  2. Click on Find Customer and search for the Customer.
  3. View their details by clicking on Edit/View.
  4. On the customer details page, at the bottom select Customer Credit.
  5. In the increase credit tab, click on the amount and enter in the amount that you want to increase the credit by.
  6. Select the payment type that they are using to pay.
  7. Add any comments for reference purposes and click save.
  8. The customers credit will now be increased, and the payment will be shown on the post end of day sales, the same as sale payments.

Decreasing Customer Credit

To decrease a customers credit and record the associated payment just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Customer Menu.
  2. Click on Find Customer and search for the Customer.
  3. View their details by clicking on Edit/View.
  4. On the customer details page, at the bottom select Customer Credit.
  5. In the decrease credit tab, click on the amount and enter in the amount that you want to decrease the credit by.
  6. Select the payment type that they are using to pay.
  7. Add any comments for reference purposes and click save.
  8. The customers credit will now be decreased, and the payment will be shown on the post end of day sales, the same as sale payments.

Note: If the customer requires a receipt of their payment, you can give them a copy of their customer credit statement. From the customer credit screen, go to Customer Reports/CR006: Customer Credit Statement. Simply select the date and the customer, then click on Print.